Hey guys! How was your weekend? Hope it was awesome :)
A lot of people have asked me why I decided to go natural and when people first started asking I used to try and come up with a good answer. Some people have some deep reasons for going natural but I never did so I used to try and explain how my hair didn't used to get relaxed no matter what kind of relaxer I used anyway or that I didn't like straight hair.
To be honest, my hair actually didn't stay relaxed for more than 2 weeks. Like 2 weeks after relaxing it people would be asking me 'your hair is due oh when last did you relax it'. I kept getting stronger relaxers but they would just burn my scalp and my hair would refuse to get straight and I kept having to straighten my leave out whenever I did weaves.
But the main reason when I went natural was out of curiousity. My hair wasn't cutting or looking unhealthy in my eyes so I guess I wanted to try something new. I mostly did braids and sometimes weaves and when I had my hair out I would just put it in a side part and pack it. My cousins had gone natural like a year before and I thought it was cute but I had always thought people went natural when they wanted to start growing their hair again maybe so that they could relax it after.
I don't remember which one it was but I stumbled on a YouTube video with a girl with long natural hair and then I watched a few more YouTube videos and I was like oh.. so there are other options apart from braids, weaves and side parts. I also couldn't remember what my natural hair looked like because I relaxed it when I was 10. The memories I had of my natural hair were mostly made of thick, full hair that broke combs but for some reason that didn't really discourage me.
I was quite curious to see what my natural hair would look like and actually start taking care of my hair and I was so excited to try things like protein treatments, bentonite clay and do some cute natural hairstyles.
For a long time I couldn't really answer the question because I had so many reasons. Over 2 years after going natural, I can finally say that I went natural because I was curious about natural hair and I think that's a good enough reason :)
Do you have natural hair or are you planning on going natural? What are your reasons?
Oyime :)