Monday 16 February 2015

Dry Hair Chronicles

Hey guys! How you doin'? (in Wendy William's voice)

Soo about a a week ago I decided to try a new shampoo that I got last summer and forgot about. It's the Cantu Shampoo and I was quite excited to try it out.

I deep conditioned my hair with my cantu masque and shea butter as usual and put it in a shower cap for about an hour. Then I used the Cantu shampoo to wash my scalp and used the Cantu rinse out conditioner to co-wash my hair.

When my hair was damp I used Cantu leave in, glycerine and shea butter to moisturise so basically, I did all the things I usually do when I wash my hair.

The problem is, my hair felt reallyy dry for the whole week no matter how much I moisturised.. So, after a few days, not only was my hair dry I also had product build up from all the shea butter I kept putting in my hair.

The only new thing I used was the Cantu shampoo so I believe that was the culprit. I also think my Cantu leave in has stopped working for my hair which makes me sad. I'm not sure I'm ready to let go because it took me so long to find a leave-in conditioner that worked for my hair.

Anyway, I'm not that sad about it because I think I've found a new leave-in :D

Giovanni Leave In Conditioner: I've had this for about 2 years and I used to use it whenever my Cantu finished and I hadn't bought a new one yet.

Giovanni Direct Leave-In Weightless Moisture Conditioner


On Thursday, I decided to wash my hair but with different products this time..

I deep conditioned my hair with the cantu masque but with no shea butter mixed into it because of the product build up I already had. Then, I washed my hair with this v05 conditioner I got a few months ago at a pharmacy.

When my hair was a bit dry but still damp, I used a mix of Giovanni leave in, glycerine and castor oil to moisturise my hair.

I don't know if it was the absence of the shampoo, shea butter or cantu leave in, or the absence of all these products but my hair felt much more moisturised after and it still does now.

I think I'll stick with this for a while and see how it goes. Meanwhile, my new Cantu leave in will have to get comfortable on my shelf.

Have you had any problems with your hair lately? How have you solved them?



  1. When I big chopped I couldn't find anything that would moisturise my hair to my liking. After a while I found that aloe vera juice is THE moisturiser for me. You can put it in your DC, mix it with your leave in, your moisturising spritz.. Anything. My hair is coarse, thick and kinky.

    Give it a try and let me know.

    1. Hello! :) I actually tried aloe vera juice some time ago but I currently use aloe vera gel in my spray bottle or to deep condition
      I'll revisit aloe vera juice and see how it goes
      Thankss :)

    2. Yesss :). You can try 2-3 parts aloe vera juice, 2 parts water, a little oil of your choice and a little (preferably silicone free) conditioner. That works wonders for me.


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