Sunday 26 October 2014

Deep Conditioning 101 - How To Get Soft, Shiny Hair

Hey guys!

I'm going to try and summarise the basics of deep conditioning in this post. I'll explain what deep conditioning is, how to deep condition and how often it should be done.

I didn't deep condition my hair the first few months of being natural because I didn't know exactly what it was or how I was supposed to do it. So I would just shampoo or condition my hair and then use castor oil and shea butter.. and I used to wonder why my hair felt so dry lol.

My hair is prone to dryness and is really thick so it was in serious need of some deep conditioning. I saw my sister deep conditioning with Hello Hydration Rinse Out Conditioner and decided to give it a try but there wasn't that much of a difference. So I had to do some research on deep conditioning so I could figure out what would work for me.

What is Deep Conditioning?

Deep conditioning is basically leaving a conditioner in your hair for some time (could be between 30 minutes to an hour or more). It moisturises and strengthens the hair from the inside out and helps with length retention on the long run.

How To Deep Condition

After putting the deep conditioner in your hair you can put a shower cap on and sit under a hooded dryer or just use the shower cap. What works for me is Cantu Deep Treatment Masque mixed with shea butter.

If I've just taken out my braids I shampoo and then deep condition but if I already shampood my hair the previous week I just deep condition and then use a rinse out conditioner.

So I put the deep conditioner and shea butter on sections of my hair, twist ( I usually have over 30 twists) and then cover my hair with a shower cap for 30-45 minutes. If it's late and I'm tired I just deep condition overnight but I tie a scarf over the shower cap so it doesn't come off while I'm asleep.

You can then rinse out the deep conditioner with any good rinse out conditioner. (I use v05 rinse out conditioner to do this).

When your hair is almost dry but still damp you can then moisturise. If you wait till your hair is dry to moisturise your hair won't benefit as much from the deep conditioning.

To moisturise I spritz my hair lightly with water and glycerine and then undo the twists and then use a mixture of my leave in conditioner, glycerine and castor oil or shea butter. My hair loves glycerine that's why I use it so much but you can use whatever moisturises your hair at this stage.After moisturising I put my hair into about 8 big plaits.

How Often

When my hair is not in braids I deep condition every week or every 2 weeks.

I've noticed a difference in my hair since I started deep conditioning. It doesn't feel as dry as it used actually feels moisturised and it doesn't break as much. 

Thanks for reading.. I hope this helps :)


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