Thursday 19 February 2015

The Greenhouse Effect

Hey guys! It's almost Friday woohoo! :D 

Have you heard of the greenhouse effect for natural hair? Everytime I saw a post somewhere about it I just scrolled past it because it looked like it would probably have a lot of hair science. 

One day I was really bored though and I read a post on the Black Girl Long Hair website about it. 

It's basically oiling your scalp and then covering it with a shower cap for a few hours or overnight. Your body heat would provide steam to your hair and it was said to make your hair softer and improve hair growth over time. From what I've read also, you're supposed to do it like 3 times a week. 

At the time I heard about it I was still trying to figure out what works for my hair and I was having a lot of issues with dryness so I decided to try it out. 

It actually made my hair less dry and it reduces breakage. The only downside to it is shrinkage. It makes your hair shrink a lot so if you have a hairstyle that you don't want to get rough or you've blown out your hair or straightened it, it'd be a bad idea because your hair would probably revert when you do it. 

I did it quite often last year and I still do it now if my hair is feeling a bit dry and I won't mind the shrinkage. 

Have you tried out the Green House Effect? What has your experience with it been like? 

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