Wednesday 17 December 2014

Hair Adventures: 1 Week of Natural Hair Styles

Hey guys! Oh how I've missed blogging :D Yeah I know I just started blogging about 2 months ago but I missed it these past 3 weeks while I was at Nysc camp. I will put up a post on that later.

I was in Abuja 3 weeks ago for my call to bar and we were only allowed to have our natural hair for this. My clearance was a week before call to bar so I decided to stay in Abuja that week.

I hadn't had my natural hair out for more than a week this year so I wasn't sure how I was going to style it everyday. Most of the time I just put my hair in a puff so I planned on doing this for the week but surprisingly I was able to put my hair in different styles because it has grown quite a bit over the past months.

My everyday puff

This was after a few hours on the same day. My hair kept shrinking so much that day. I think it was the glycerine i used.

I put my hair in small braids the night before so I could do a braid out but when I loosened it..well I don't know what happened maybe my hair wasn't dry enough when I loosened it. Anyway I liked how it looked..I think I'll start having my hair out like this more often.

My first side puff 

I always thought a side puff was hard to do so I never attempted it but I had already put my hair in a puff twice that week and I wanted to try something slightly different. It was actually much easier than I thought to put my hair into a side puff and I also liked how it looked.

Blow out

I blew my hair out the day before my call to bar and put it in 2 braids so it could fit under my wig.

On my last day in Abuja I kept my hair in the 2 braids.. It made my day much less stressful and it kept my hands out of my hair which was a plus.

I actually had fun with my hair that week and I like how I could style my hair in different ways. I have my hair out this week so I'm going to try different styles again.

Thanks for reading :)



  1. I like the side puff.

    Even though looks like a Fascinator that's about to fall off your head lol.

    Good post still :)

    1. Lool why are you like this
      Thanks still :p

  2. Lool at what Felix said. Anyway you look lovely! As always :*


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