Thursday, 29 November 2018

Life Update.. Where Have I Been??

Hey guys! I feel like it's been forever since I've been here. Not just since I've blogged, but since I've actually visited my blog. I wasn't sure what to expect but from my stats, it seems a number of people have still been reading my posts and that makes me really happy. 

This morning (now 2 weeks ago when I wrote this post), I woke up quite sad and discouraged because I felt like I'm not close to where I want to be. I quit my 9-5 a couple of months ago for a number of reasons, the most important being that I was very unhappy there and staying there wasn't bringing me any closer to my goals. When I left, I wasn't sure what exactly I planned on doing but I knew I definitely didn't plan on building a career there. 

The first few months were okay apart from a lot of people telling me I was making a mistake. I knew this was going to happen before I left though, so I wasn't surprised or moved. The first month, I just took a break and in the 2nd month, I went for a makeup upgrade class. If you've been following this blog for a while you might remember that I went to Makeup School  about 4 years ago (read about it here) but I wasn't really doing it full time till this year. The upgrade class was really good for so many reasons and it built my confidence.

Instagram: @makeupbyoyime
So, I've been doing makeup full time for some months and it's been good. Some months are better than others, but it feels good doing one of the things you love and getting paid for it. It isn't always easy though, which this morning proved but I realise that I have to be patient and enjoy this season.

I have more time to blog now which I always enjoyed doing and for the thousandth time lol I'm going to try to be consistent with it.

Bridesmaid duties at my friend's wedding in July 
As for a hair update, I'm not even sure what to say lol. My hair has just been misbehaving and I haven't been retaining much length for a while. If I'm being honest, I haven't really treated my hair the best for the past year or 2 due to laziness and lack of time. I've considered doing another big chop or cutting my hair into a short hairstyle but, I can't imagine cutting all my hair again even though I know it's just hair and it'll grow back. 

My hair is currently in mini twists which I'm really enjoying. There'll be a post on this mini twist low bun  soon.

Mini twists and kinky hair extensions 
Thanks for reading and I hope you've had a great year so far!

What have you been up to? How has your year been? I'd love to hear from you! 

Oyime :)  


  1. Welcome back! And your makeup skills are GREAT!!!!

  2. Hey pretty lady! Welcome back!
    I like the sincerity of your blog!


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