Tuesday 22 December 2015

Bob Box Braids: 3rd Time Lucky?

Hello helloo! How are you? I recently had bob box braids done for the 3rd and probably the last time. The first time I got it done, I didn't really like it. I had never done braids that short and I thought I looked weird. A lot of people seemed to like it though, and it eventually grew on me.

My First Bob Box Braids 

The second time I did bob box braids, I tried someone new because I was tired of my hair stylist and her iron hand. The second time around it wasn't too painful but again the hair stylist made it short and she didn't understand what I wanted. She really just didn't have the hands.

You would think that after getting bob braids done twice and not being too happy with the outcome that would be the end of it but, I just had to try it one last time.

Posing in my "What Dami Did" kimono

I liked it and I thought it looked nice but it still wasn't what I wanted. I showed the stylist a picture of the length I wanted and I also showed her the length I would like on my body which was way below my collarbone but it still ended up being short :(. I felt like crying when she was done to be honest. I was just thinking, so I did this style a 3rd time and they still didn't get the length right??

To make matters worse, I had returned to my usual hair stylist and this time, it was even more painful than all the other times she had done my braids. My scalp was on fire and I had to take painkillers after getting my braids for the first time. I think that was when I decided to leave her in 2015 for the sake of my scalp and hair.

My bob box braids lasted just a bit over a week because my scalp still hurt a lot in some areas and I just couldn't do it anymore. I guess my hair and I will just have to manage in this harmattan till it's over. I hope it'll be over soon because I'm really not about this harmattan life.

Have you gotten bob braids done before? How did it turn out?

Oyime :)


  1. I think I like your first trial better but overall they all look nice; maybe,short hair isn't just your thing ;) It's been on my mind to try out Bob box braids so maybe next year...now if I can figure out a way to stop my natural hair from peeking through the braids. The last time I got them I was so angry I wrote a whole post on it (which is still unpublished). So any tips on how I can remedy this situation? because it really discouraged me from getting braids...

    1. Sorry about that. You can avoid this by stretching out your hair before braiding it with thread if you don't want to blow dry. You can keep it threaded for about 2 days or more for your hair to be really stretched.

  2. I really love the look on you. I feel like your face is perfect for it. Effortless. I get it though, how you can just not be feeling a hairstyle even though you get a million compliments.
    I can't believe what you endured before deciding to leave that stylist. You're very patient. All that pain ({}) Sorry

    1. Yes I felt a bit bad about taking the braids out because everyone seemed to love it. Thank you Sandra!! ({})

  3. Sorry this happened. Painful braids are awful. How long did you want your braids?

    1. Thank you :). The plan was to have it for 3-4 weeks

  4. Looool, Can't believe you only kept it for 1 week. The woman that does my braids is pretty good. I realised that when you burn the hair, it shrinks so it's better to make it way longer than what you want.


    1. Lool I just couldn't take it anymore. Thanks for the tip :)

  5. Hahahaha @ iron hands. I feel you! I haven't summoned up courage to do this yet. But to be honest, it looks nice on you.

  6. I know this is old but I saw your photo on Pinterest and I must say I think they liked lovely. How is your hair journey going? I'm 4z (I call it) and I'm considering braids for the first time in years.


I would love to hear your thoughts! Please leave a comment :)