Tuesday 17 November 2015

My Last Washday

Hey guys!! How have you been?

It's been so long since I've done a hair post and I've really missed blogging about natural hair. My hair was in Senegalese twists for about a month and I think I was tired of them after about 2 weeks but the thought of taking out my twists and dealing with my hair didn't encourage me. Another reason I didn't want to take out my twists was because I'm in England for the next week and a half and I didn't want to deal with the dry, brittle hair which I associate with British weather.

I started missing my hair a lot about a week ago though, and since it's been 4 weeks I finally took out the twists. As expected my hair felt reallyy dry. It might have felt that way because I didn't really take care of it while it was in the twists though. I didn't spritz until almost 2 weeks after doing my twists (don't judge me) and I didn't really moisturise the part of my hair covered by braids but I wasn't that surprised. I was happy to see my hair though because I really missed it.

Oh yes my washday. It was slightly disastrous. I decided to try something new. Slippery elm and marshmallow root. My favourite leave in conditioner, Kinky Curly Knot Today contains slippery elm and marshmallow root and I read that, that's what's responsible for the slip and the way it just melts knots and tangles. I ordered it from Amazon and I watched YouTube videos on how to make it.

First, I washed my hair with Rhassoul Clay. I wanted to use Aloe Vera juice and oils but I wasn't able to get it on time so I just used water, castor oil and a little of my sister's olive oil. After washing my hair with Rhassoul clay, I deep conditioned with my new conditioner, Yes To Carrots. Actually, I think I should do a post on my Amazon haul. You guys should be on the lookout for that :D.

After this, it was time to moisturise. Seeing as I didn't bring my leave in conditioner with me from Nigeria, I decided to use the slippery elm and marshmallow root not just as detanglers but also to moisturise. The recipes I've seen online included Aloe vera juice though but since I didn't have it, I decided to do without it. So, I boiled the marshmallow root and slippery elm and I had to sieve it to get the gel. Since there was no sieve and I was feeling too lazy to go out and look for one, I googled home made sieves and I didn't really find much. I tried using a kitchen towel, made small holes in a bottle but it didn't work and I ended up wasting almost half of it. At this point, I decided to just throw on a hoodie and go out and look for one. When I got a sieve, I was able to fill this small bottle lol.

I used the slippery elm and marshmallow root with castor oil and grapeseed oil.

My hair felt dry the next day so I moisturised again and used shea butter to put my hair into about 10 braids. I also did the Greenhouse effect and it felt much better but it's dry again. I think I'll just buy the Kinky Curly Knot Today and hope for the best.

What's been going on with your hair? How do you keep it moisturised in cold weather?

Thanks for reading!

Oyime :)


  1. The harmattan is out in Abuja so I've been wigging since last week. I wash, dc & moisturise the cornrows.


    1. Wearing a wig is definitely a good idea during harmattan

  2. I'm gradually giving up on my hair. It does what it likes, when it likes. I've been on a lot of protective styles. Saves me the stress. You've got beautiful hair.

    Clingy Girlfriends, What's not to love

    1. Lol don't give up.. I'm sure things will get better. Thank you! :)

  3. Your puff might feel dry but it looks really fluffy! I hate it when I forget my fave products on travel! I usually end up just buying another one so that my hair won't suffer in the meantime.

    KLP @ www.savingourstrands.com

    1. Thank you! Yeah I ended up buying another one :)

  4. We don't really get cold weather much in Lagos so I haven't faced that struggle yet.
    P.s. You look so pretty in the pictures!

    Nigerian and Natural

  5. I agree, your hair looks really fluffy. It may be dry but it's not showing at all.
    I do not even attempt to deal in cold weather. I wash, dc, seal heavily with whipped shea butter and hide my hair in a very protective style until the worst is over. A spray bottle with water, conditioner and oil keeps my hair happy until it's out of hibernation.



I would love to hear your thoughts! Please leave a comment :)