Monday 26 October 2015

2015 Beauty Africa Exhibition

Hey guys! How have you been? I attended the Beauty Africa Exhibition & Conference 2015 about 3 weeks ago and I've been meaning to do a post on it for a while now.

The Beauty Africa Exhibition & Conference took place at Eko Convention Centre over 3 days, between the 7th and 9th of October.

I went on the first day with my cousin, Ibiyemi and her friend OJ. There were live demonstrations, panel discussions and a lot of shopping. I was really looking forward to the live demonstrations and shopping.

There were 2 rooms with different activities going on at the same time. I walked around a bit before watching a live demonstration by Bimpe Onakoya, who is the artistic director of Maybelline New York, Nigeria.

There was also a Nectar Nail Art Competition.

We also wanted to see a live demonstration of a smokey eye in the 2nd room but they didn't keep to time. They were about an hour behind schedule and we were tired of waiting so we went to eat instead.

The highlight for me were these cute soaps made by Luxe Beauty Lounge. They're so pretty and they would make the perfect gifts. They would also be really good Bridal shower favours and they smell so good.

Have a lovely week guys!! 

Oyime :) 


  1. The soaps are so cute I'd be tempted to eat them lol.
    Breast Cancer & Pink October

  2. I went for the last day of this but unfortunately could not take pictures as I do not have a camera and I was stuck with my torchlight Nokia that day. It was a well put together exhibition.

    Nigerian and Natural


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